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Learning Theory - Social Constructivist Theory

Lev Vygotsky (1962) proposed social theory focused on the connections between people and the sociocultural context in which they act and interact among shared experiences. The three significant concepts proposed refer to social interaction, the more knowledgeable other and the zone of proximal development. The theory proposed children function firstly from a social level followed by an individual level. Secondly, students play an active role in learning where collaboration and facilitation from a more knowledgeable other person, such as a teacher or peer student who can help construct meaning through the collaborative experience. Thirdly, the zone of proximal development refers to the distance student’s ability to perform the task in relation to the collaboration problem solving capabilities of the group.


The socially constructivist classroom is student centred. Consider your own experience as a learner

  • How do you best process information and turn it into knowledge (learn)? 

  • Think of a unit you enjoyed. How did you learn in this unit?

  • What learning tasks, skills, strategies of situations best supported you to pass a test? Why?​


Read your group's allocated resource. 
Decide on the top three points and add it to a post it note in the link below. 
HPE Group 1


As part of your teacher's page / planning section / assessment 1 you need a 500 word statement to explain how a learning theory is linked to the SEPEP unit.

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