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Assessment 1

Information about this task


Type of assessment: Individual


Rationale: The planning assessment will help students scaffold the information and understanding needed to create a successful and realistic Sports Education unit of work (assessment 3).


Task description: Prepare and complete the following items dedicating a planning section called the Teacher’s page to your online site eg Wix.

You are to:


1. Use the simplified forward planning document provided to briefly outline the structure of your SEPEP unit for the three chosen roles over three lessons (lessons 5, 6 and 11), including what ICT the students will use and how they will use it.

2. List the ICT resources for each of your three SEPEP roles. These resources are in addition to the Internet.

3. . Provide a statement (no more than 500 words) articulating why you selected the ICT resources listed above and how the unit develops ICT concepts and skills in line with the WA curriculum..


Format: Online / Shared environment eg Wix


Submission: Upload all content to your website and submit your website URL to Blackboard. The location will be shown in class, however, this document will help you with submitting the URL link in Blackboard.


Assessment feedback

Feedback on this task will be available through Blackboard



FPD template

Assessment 2

Information about this task


Type of assessment: Group


Length: 30min maximum.


Rationale: The purpose of this activity is to give students the opportunity to present an ICT rich session in a supportive and semi-authentic environment.


Task description: In pre-assigned groups, students will design and present how two or more ICT tools could be successfully and creatively implemented in a SEPEP unit for a sport and year level of choice. This activity should model good practice in the effective integration of ICT.


You are to:


1. Form groups and choose a sport and year group. This can be from either from one person's planning or your group may create a new scenario. Focus on one role and at least two ICT that can be used to enhance the role within the sport education experience. As you include more ICT, you can demonstrate links to other roles.

2. List the lesson details such as instructions, examples and templates in an online/shared environment eg Wix so they are available to other students during the presentation.

3. Allow time for an introduction and then practical time to engage the audience (your peers) in active participation so they use the ICT tools themselves. Leave time for post activity discussion as a group such as: (a) implementation issues associated with effective use of the ICT in HPE; and (b) key concepts encountered in readings and lectures.

4. Ensure your tools are unique in your tutorial group.


Format: Practical in workshop time


Marking criteria for this task

Please note: A mark will only be given for the student presentation if:


1. The SEPEP session has been published in an online/shared environment (e.g., Wix) with relevant information (e.g., links and instructions for students) prior to the commencement of the session.

2. Your website URL is submitted in your group’s Assessment item 2 link in Blackboard. Generally, group members will receive the same mark, unless there are concerns about the contribution by either a group member or the tutor. Concerns by a group member should be conveyed to the tutor as early as possible and prior to the due date. The tutor will interview the student(s) concerned and, if necessary, adjust individual marks. Marks may also be adjusted if a student’s individual presentation far exceeds or falls below others in the group in terms of organisation, delivery and/or ICT engagement.


Assessment feedback

Feedback on this task will be available through Blackboard


Assessment 3

Information about this task


Type of assessment: Individual


Rationale: To create an authentic SEPEP resource for use in the classroom, exploring the effective use of ICT.


Task description: Publish your SEPEP lessons planned for in Assessment 1. This should be done in an online/shared environment (e.g., Wix).


You are to include:

a) On your website, begin with clearly articulating the year and sport you are choosing to prepare lessons for.

b) The published curriculum should cover, as a minimum, your three chosen roles and the ICT they will use in lessons 5,6 and 11. The use of ICT by the students during this time should demonstrate ICT as a learning tool rather than a teaching tool.

c) Attainment of clearly articulated purposeful learning outcomes.

d) Sound scaffolding examples.

e) Be published in an online/shared environment based on sound multimedia design principles.

f) In addition to the above, describe and provide examples of how you would use 10 ICT tools in a HPE setting. The ICT tools should span different categories, e.g. quizzes, high tech gadgets and video editing and must contain the 3 compulsory tools, movie, qr skills poster and interactive quiz.


See the marking criteria for the requirements for each tool.


Format: Online / Shared environment eg Wix


Submission: Upload all content to your website and submit your website URL to Blackboard.


Assessment feedback

Feedback on this task will be available through Blackboard usually within two weeks of the due date.11.








Complete all assessment tasks AND achieve at least 50% when all assessment marks are totalled.

If you anticipate having difficulty meeting the due date for submitting an assessment task, speak with your course coordinator or tutor as soon as possible.

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