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Making iBooks - Book Creator


Using Book Creator
Book Creator is a web application AND an app for your iPad.
​The web version is free and for your iPads, there is a free version (which allows you to make one book) or the paid version which allows you to make many books. 
It allows you or your students to easily make an iBook and it allows elements created from other apps (as you can easily import from the camera roll). 

Book creator on the web (you will need to use Chrome, you can use a google log in)
Book Creator for iPads (free)
Book Creator for iPads (paid)

Book Creator activity


In a group, use your planning sheet to make a book in Book Creator about a skill. 
Your book must have

  1. images and videos of the skill and 

  2. key teaching points

  3. When you have completed your book, export it as a video and upload it to the padlet below.

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