Week 2
Add Ed Puzzle, then choose between Book creator and your quiz (week 1 homework) to add to the 10 tools page. Take a screenshot of the 10 tools page with these added and post to the Padlet below. The image can be of the whole page and small.
Help -
EDpuzzle - use the HTML code from Edpuzzle and add to Wix using embed code from + list menu
Book creator - use the video you saved to your device and add to Wix using video > upload video from + list menu
Quiz - please take a screenshot of one question as well as your teacher dashboard add to Wix using image from + list menu
Please use your name at the top of the post
Remember alongside your example of what you have created have a text box with the following points:
1. Title of the tool (numbered eg 1. Ed Puzzle
2. Description of the tool.
3. Pros (dot points)
4. Cons (dot points)
5. Use in the classroom