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Classroom Organisation

Class Dojo

Class Dojo is a classroom management app that allows you to track attendance and behaviour. Points can be given to students for positive behaviour and poor behaviour can be recorded or negative points allocated. Behaviour can be shared with parents.
You can send post comments on photos for parents as well as send personalised messages.

Team Shake

One of the age old challenges, particularly for PE teachers, is maintaining a fair and equitable approach to group / team selection. Do you make your own groups / teams and risk making the game or activity unbalanced? Do you leave it up to your students to decide, which from my experience generally ends up in chaos? Or do you select team captains who quickly whip up the best athletes, leaving the non competitive / uninterested students selected last and taking a hit to their self confidence?
What sets Team Shake apart from just a random name selector, is its ability to rank a name you have imported from weakest to strongest. You can also label the players gender. This ensures that when you select how many teams you would like to make, Team Shake creates fair and balanced teams based on gender and skill level.



Organising yourself, and others, can be difficult.
Trello is a quick and easy way to make boards, lists and cards that you can easily share between other members of a team.  You can also upload files and comment on each others work quite easily. 
It's free and you can use a google login.


Google Drive

Google drive is an online platform or cloud that has a variety of functioning purposes such as creating and sharing online docs, sheets, slides, forms and other devices. It's functionality within the education system and integration with other application allows information and data to be transferred quickly and effectively, saving significant precious time. Take some time to explore google drive and inquire into applications and platforms that can be used within the HPE setting.  

Google suite has its own online help page here

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